
AOU統合軍ギローイ重4度軍事研究所所属 第100空挺機兵実験分隊 グレイブモウル所属





From AOU Canada

A member of the 100th Aerial Augmented Infantry Experimental Squad "Grave Mole", of the AOU Combined Military Geroy Level 4 Heavy Military Research Center

She was chosen for the Selective Training Course, but her grades were slow to improve, and she lost confidence in herself. Her grades tended to be particularly bad when working with groups, and an excessively low level of self-empowerment was diagnosed as the cause.

Currently, she takes part in counseling and mental power correction research at the Geroy Level 4 Heavy Military Research Center.

Partly because of her results there, she's now known as one of the most capable Gauntlet Knights in North America.


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